1. I am absolutely in love with my name. I love the ring of it, i love how u spell it - it is a unique and lovely music to my ears!
I lovvee my name
2. I love ice cream. Ever since i was a child. i had a chocolate craze pehlay but i always loved ice cubes and well ice cream.
the frozen heaven in ur mouth. YUM!! my fav is walls vanilla chocolate!
3. I love the social sciences. I am crazy about gender studies. I want to do some ground-breaking working on it. But more than that,
I want to reach out to people through it. Inequalities of education, rights, safety, development. Ooh there's much to do and
I want to do my share
4. I want to have a full life. Marriage, work, kids, happiness. I dont believe in sacrificing self even though i am a loving person.
5. I want to have a home some day. I also want to have a person in my life who i can call my Home. its the most beautiful
relationship in the world (considering no abuse involved).
6. I am really interested in children's literature that has to do with sexual abuse prevention. I even have some children's books
on it.
7. I wanna be a writer. there is a writer within me. taking rest, ready to fly. it has to fly. Blogging is my practise :)
8. I hate people who take up my personal space just coz i may seem sweet. I can be bitchy. totally been there. its a matter of
time :P
9. I love work. No not in the sense that i will forget everything else. but i love to work. to have dreams and a purpose. it keeps
my alive!
10. I love motivational talks after a long period of work. or even during long period of work.
11. My friends are my love. Allah swt has granted me a LOT through them. My friends are my energy :)
12. I love clothes and shopping just doo!!
13. I have an obsession with the color blue. if I spot something blue, at times, its hard to take my eyes away from it. I keep
gazing at the sky a lot.
14. I love the rain. i think its a sign of Allah's blessing. its the most beautiful thing in the world.
15. I love white shirts - they look gorgeous. crisp white that is.
16. I love mornings. they are beautiful
17. i love spring and winters. i love coffee during winters.
18. For people whom i love, i give it my all.
19. i love birds esp parrots and chicks :) (yeah, yeah :P)
20. My favourite movie - they keep changing, i loved North Country and The peaceful warrior.
21. I LOVE college. Its the greatest thing ever! One of the most beautiful things that has happened to me.
22. Life is seeping within, awakening the shadows of doubts,
releasing the numbness within,
Within also lies fear, that keeps coming back :)
23. Most romantic song: "I knew I loved you" savage garden ka.
24. I sound like a child - i am not complaining :) But yeah i sound like a child alright.
25. I have already chosen names for my kids. Yup. :)
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