Sunday, November 15, 2009

tring Tring!!

Hello!!! I attended A's wedding over the weekend! A is one of my closest friends. Please join me in praying for her - May she have a wonderful life ahead (and May you do too) AAMEEN. :) There were roses on her wedding! I lovvvve roses!!

My left eye is twitching since yesterday! it is really annoying!

i love winters here- the fog is AMAZING.

"If winter would say, 'spring is in my heart', who would believe winter?"
-Khalil Gibran!


  1. Love winters!!! Sadly this place does nt have winters!

  2. I love winters too!

    Except that I could die of the cold and it doesn't even get that cold here! :P

  3. @ Safiullahhussaini: Hmm where do u live?? Does it rain there at least?

    @Siras: I can SO relate to the dying of cold part... seriously! Mujhe bohat sardi lagti hai!
