Hello. This is my first WTF post. It is basically Naureen saying "what the fuck?" to things that seem outrageous, unjust, unfair, and twisted.
If you see me talking about it in person, I will probably have a frown, a tight jaw, rage in my eyes (its not pretty!) and will probably be saying through clenched teeth, "Seriously? They are SO fucked up! Who the hell do they think they are. Its not fair"
Yeah yeah thats life and blah blah. BUT i believe, if u can kick ass, kick it while u can! And sometimes, give these inequalities personified a good kick in the ass (be it male or female)
Yeah, thats my violent streak :p
So here goes...
WTF 1: Female Genital Mutilation
Yes. they cut parts of female genitals in some countries. It is advocated by social sanction. It is said to decrease adultery as a female does not get the privelege of feeling sexual pleasure after this.
They do it to infants. I mean, infants for God's sake? Females going through it go through a lot of pain within and after these procedures. Most of them dont take medical precautions (I am still not clear on this though). You know, after these procedures - child birth is hell for these women. Urinating for some is still a problem.
How can u rip a girl off her own rights to her body and security? It is said to be a sign of chastity if girls go through these procedures.
Some say Islam allows it, but this site looks into it. Chastity, virginity, social values - u know whats fascinating. Culture sometimes cloaks religous values and ideas - yup. And it still claims to be 'righteous'.
Human beings can do really fucked up things. I mean dude, seriously!!
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